Outfit of the Day: Bumpin' at 20 Weeks With a BLANKNYC Faux Leather Jacket and TOMS Majorca Peep Toe Booties - Makeup and Beauty Blog

blanknyc jacket outfit of the day -1

Funny story about these pics.

I'm not sure where I saw or heard this tidbit of communication (information technology may have been America'south Next Top Model), simply it helps yous hit your poses when you take pics if you 1) suck in your tummy and two) squeeze your butt.

Cheeks. Your barrel cheeks. LOL!

I know, y'all don't even need to say it. 🙂 Just it helps, believe it or not. As far equally photography posing tips go, information technology'southward correct upward there with rolling your shoulders forward and working your angles.

Now, the butt-squeezing function? When you're with child, totally doable. Only the tummy-sucking is sooo not happening.

Nigh this outfit here, nothing I'thousand wearing is official maternity gear. I had all of this in my cupboard before Babe Girl set upwards store.

The dress, which I e'er get questions about, is what I now like to phone call "vintage." I bought information technology eons agone, around 2001 or 2002, at a random store in San Francisco'due south Fillmore district. It's super soft and stretchy, and information technology'southward become one of my go-to outfits lately.

The tag says it'due south past a designer named Hot Sauce, which I Googled, merely alas…I don't think Hot Sauce is working anymore. (Ha! "Hot Sauce is working…")

The jacket is easily i of my all-time best Nordstrom buys, the Simulated Leather Jacket by BLANKNYC, and I've had information technology for about 2 years. I think information technology's a pretty popular manner at Nordies considering they restock it every flavour in dissimilar colors.

I have information technology in bones black, and I article of clothing it with everything!

It's $98, and I'thousand always amazed that information technology wasn't $300 because of how legit I think it looks. The faux leather looks totally real, and you can easily dress it up or down with a party dress or pants any time of twelvemonth. Highly recommended.

blanknyc jacket outfit of the day 2

Y'all might retrieve the shoes from this by summer. They're the TOMS Majorca Peep-Toe Booties, and I like the low, stacked heel… Makes them easy to walk in.

Baby Daughter is officially 20 weeks now, and look how big she'due south getting! She pushed the turbo button, and at present I feel her boot all the time (she'southward really doing it as I type!).

El Hub is convinced she'south either going to exist an Olympic soccer star or a Taekwondo expert. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty aficionado,


P.Southward. Hi, friend. My emotions have been really roller coaster-y lately. Lots of ups and downs. Information technology's been challenging navigating them. I minute I'm happy and perfectly fine, then I'm crying the next.

Random question, but do you lot know any significant chicks? I'one thousand trying to detect some, which I know sounds weird, but I'm trying to find a mommy's grouping or something and then that I tin can have some other interaction besides my cat, who has admittedly NO sympathy for me. He doesn't intendance if my back hurts or if I think that everything El Hub does is wrong. (He used the counter sponge to make clean the floors. It was really disgusting!)

I retrieve I simply need some women around to tell me that I'm not beingness crazy.


Source: https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/daily-photo/outfit-of-the-day-bumpin-at-20-weeks-with-a-blanknyc-faux-leather-jacket-and-toms-majorca-peep-toe-booties/

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