Slow Scan Tv Upload to Your Qrz Page

Installing EasyPal for the starting time time


First y'all need to download the latest version of EasyPal, you lot can download it HERE

First the install of EasyPal, some users that accept had problems with EasyPal have changed the install folder from the standard install default C:\Program Files\EasyPal to C:\EasyPal The choice is yours. When you accept the program fully installed and before you run EasyPal is is best to plug something into your sound bill of fare.

EasyPal error message

Some systems will give you a error like to a higher place if nix plugged in.

Setting up EasyPal for the first time

At present lets do some basic settings, from the top card bar click on "setup" and motility mouse over "Setup c/s soundcard-PTT" and move over to "Callsign" and click, Now enter your callsign and click OK. Now practice the same again but this time click on "Soundcard". Here yous volition have a RX and TX list of sound devices, you lot just highlight the sound devices that you will be using and click "Assign".

EasyPal Soundcard setup

Now you need to setup how you want the software to central your radio, this all depends on what sort of interface you lot are using. Almost simple interfaces will use "Commport (PTT rts/dtr)" Interface details Hither There are so many variations in doing your PTT that nosotros cannot go into this here but yous volition be able to work out what is needed for your interface here.

Please make sure all filters and DSP ETC is turned off on your radio. Also remember that on TX this is a 100% duty bike mode then take care with your power level.

When this is all setup you are set up to RX your kickoff prototype, on HF the all-time identify is 14.233. You will need to make some adjustments to your sound level adjustments on your PC "normally this is MIC level, you don't want to waterfall in EasyPal also dark or too vivid so start off with a level that gives yous a light gray waterfall and make small adjustments from here when RX'ing a file to run into what's all-time for you.

EasyPal RX Sync image

When RX'ing data y'all demand all of the "Sync" bar in above image to be green before data is decoded. When it hits the "FAC" and in a higher place you will decode the sending stations Call Sign. There are 2 types of means images are sent with EasyPal. The regular way where the whole file is send via the radio and the time taken by this varies a lot from nigh 20 seconds upward to a few minutes or so. When receiving this type y'all will run across a progress bar at the bottom of the window showing how big the file is and how much of it you have decoded. At the same fourth dimension in the image higher up information technology will testify y'all full segments being sent "Total", how many segments y'all accept decoded "OK Segs" how far through the transmission you are up to "Position" and finally how many segments remaining needed to decode the file "remaining segments". Most of the time you will find a paradigm volition appear before the progress bar has reached the terminate. This is due to the manner DRM is sent and we don't need to go into this here.

The 2nd type of file to exist sent with EasyPal is called Hybrid. This way of sending a file is much quicker just you are not receiving the image via the radio, you are only receiving a short header that tells EasyPal where to become and download the file and display it on your screen, This all goes on within the program. The sending station uploads "FTP" a file to a server then transmits its location and your plan grabs it via the internet and displays information technology. This is overnice when the bands are real busy as you have more chance of getting the brusque header than getting a 3 minute transmission. When receiving a Hybrid image there is no progress bar.

Some users of EasyPal have spider web sites and they transport the images they receive to be displayed on a page for everyone to see. If yous would similar to do this of just want more than data on how to get a FREE web site and build a page to display your RX and TX EasyPal images click Hither

Transmitting with EasyPal

Once once again EasyPal is a 100% duty bicycle fashion, exercise not push button your radio into ALC, read your radio user manual virtually data modes that use 100% duty wheel.

TX Settings for HF

When sending with EasyPal there are many modes of manual only for HF I notice information technology works best in RS2, Way E and QAM 4. You volition get to understand these modes improve over time and chatting to other users of the plan. To set EasyPal for these settings tin can all exist done in the summit left of the plan from the primary screen. First RS style and we need to brand certain this is turned on, in the image below bottom left corner it says RS2 and it is ticked. Make sure your box information technology ticked and and so put mouse over the RSx and left click, this volition take you through RS1 to RS4, gear up this on RS2. Now we need to make sure we are in fashion "E" in the vertical TX box the starting time item is your fashion and if you click on the "MODE" to the left of this box it will go through all the modes A, B and E, ready this to mode "E" now go down to "QAM" and past clicking on this it will take you through 4, 16 and 64, prepare this to "iv".

TX Settings for VHF / UHF

This has no multipathing or doppler consequence. VHF is far more than reliable than HF, and poor setups quite often are enough. This ways Manner "A" and QAM 64 should exist ok for squeamish fast transfers. A less setting of mode B QAM 16 might be a skilful starter till the TX is cleaned and understood. However, many newbies using FM, overdeviate or overmodulate on TX and this causes many errors. EasyPal has a very large peak to average energy envelope. There are complications also with preemphasis and deemphasis. Also some systems use conventional FM modulation and others phase modulation. But if the TX modulation is nether control and so these can be ignored. In that location will be quite a gradient on the waterfall. However, if the user knows how to tap into the preemphassis and deemphasis audio, and so the waterfall volition be flat. Depending on the rig, this audio may or may not be available from the accessory socket.

As a rule of pollex, listen to your own voice transmission. And then adjust the EasyPal TX information to exist about 1/4 every bit loud to the ear.This seems a big reduction, only absolutely necessary. A strong distorted signal is useless.

EasyPal RX Sync image

Now nosotros need to load a paradigm into the TX window, start click on the TX tab

Loading a image in EasyPal

I find the easiest fashion is to just apply elevate and drop, click on a image you want to TX, drag it to your TX window and drop it there. Now when you have done this you will notice a curlicue bar appear at the bottom of the prototype, this slider will let you to adjust the quality of the image only higher quality = longer TX fourth dimension. If you try dragging the bar from side to side you volition see this shows you lot the size information technology is adjusting the file to in K and to the left of this it will tell you lot how many seconds it is going to take to TX this epitome. If you lot set this as well low the epitome will look poor, try dragging it right to the bottom and printing the "Set up" push button, this shows you how it will look when others receive it. When you take decided on a quality and you are happy with the amount of time it will accept to send this image merely printing "SET" again.

Now before you click the "TRANSMIT" button you should have your power ETC ready on your radio and be ready to arrange your TX sound from your PC, normally this is the "speaker book" within Windows and this is best kept very low earlier you kickoff your kickoff TX with EasyPal. Now start the TX past clicking on the "TRANSMIT" push and adjust the output from the PC so every bit not to over drive your radio. Hopefully later on a few trials others volition receive your images.

Hybrid TX

To send images in Hybrid manner is much similar higher up but there is no adjusting of the image quality ETC. All you need to practice is click on "Hybrid" in the top carte and put a tick side by side to Hybrid then follow above.

In receive EasyPal with RX both Hybrid and regular without and changes but in TX you will demand to tick and un tick the Hybrid depending on what you lot want to send.


Some other settings you may want to modify to make using EasyPal more fun :-) with the Cyberspace

EasyPal can let others know that you have receive one of their images. From the top bar click on FTP and then click on "Observe remote RX decode then stop TX. (RS files just)"

EasyPal FTP adjustments and settings

This will bring upward this window below, click on the "Listing calls with successful decode" and click on "Enable"

EasyPal detect RS decode

Now when sending images if the RX station has set up this the same as y'all, then you will get a box appear at the cease of transmitting your paradigm listing all stations that received your prototype.

Some users of EasyPal have web sites and they transport the images they receive to be displayed on a page for anybody to see. If you lot would like to do this of just want more information on how to get a FREE spider web site and build a folio to brandish your RX and TX EasyPal images click Hither

I promise this has non dislocated y'all likewise much and I hope it has been of some help to you. The best of help you will detect on air, so just ask for aid. Ham radio is full of experts !!! hullo !!!

Paul G0HWC


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